What is Sport Premium Funding?
Sport Premium is an amount of money which the government has agreed to allocate to schools for the forthcoming future. The funding amount schools receive is based upon the number of children of primary age the school has at January of that year. The Sport Premium is to be used to increase the quality & breadth of PE & Sport provision, and increasing participation in PE & Sport.
At Leadgate Primary School, we strive to promote healthy and active lifestyles and aim to provide sporting opportunities for all our pupils.
The money will be used to:
- Liaise with the school to develop an annual bespoke P.E. & Sport action plan.
- Provide curriculum support and high quality CPD for teachers, teaching assistants, NQTs, team teaching.
- Support the Provision of High Quality Coaching support across a variety of sports.
- Implement a full organised annual programme of competitions/tournaments/festivals in addition to the National School Games.
- Secure participation, inclusion and excellence opportunities.
- Allow SSP Network meetings to support PE Co-ordinators / PLTs in their role developing PE & sport within their school.
- Assistance in the process of applying for national ‘Kitemark’ status for High Quality Provision of P.E. & School Sport.
- Promote and develop links with local sports club.
The Sport Premium Funding has impacted our school in the following ways:
The delivery of high quality physical education is paramount. With the support of Leisureworks Partnership and their highly trained coaching team the children receive high quality instruction in a broad range of sports, including Karate and Dance.
The teachers in school support and take part in lessons and benefit greatly from this in school training. After the lessons, staff are given lesson plans and high quality training. This support is driving up the quality of the PE.
Attending local sporting events is vital to promote healthy competition with the children. They take part in intra-school activities and those who are gifted and talented or more able in certain sports then enter the inter-school events.This level of competition has been recognised in our Silver Level Sainbury’s Sports Award.
Our Sport Premium information can be viewed below:
Sports Premium evidence and Outcomes 2023 – 2024
Sports Premium Evidence and Outcomes 2022 – 2023
Sports Premium Evidence and Outcomes 2021 – 2022
Sports Premium Evidence and Outcomes 2020 – 2021
Sports Premium Evidence and Outcomes 2019 – 2020
Sports Premium Evidence and Outcomes 2018 – 2019
Swimming Outcomes
Swimming Outcomes 2018 – 2019 – See Sports Premium Evidence and Outcomes above
Congratulations to everyone on their continued hard work in developing and promoting sports across the school. We have just been awarded Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Mark 2016 2017 for our achievements and the achievements of all our little sportsmen and women.