Headteacher – Mr Mark Watson
Responsibilities include: Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, CPD, Designated Child Protection Officer, Health and Safety, Teaching staff Performance Management, Line manager lunch staff, Data Leader, Monitoring teaching and learning, Attendance Coordinator, Curriculum and Assessment, School Council Lead, International Links Coordinator
Teaching Staff
Mrs Rachel Pattison (NPQLT)
Science, PSHE/RSE and SMSC
Miss Katy Nesom (MA: SEND / NASENCO)
Responsibilities include: Deputy SENCo, EYFS Lead
Year 1
Miss Faye Morgan ECT
Year 2
Miss Laura Weaver (MA: Leadership & Management / NPQH / NASENCO) Deputy Headteacher Lower School
Responsibilities include: SENCo, EAL, English, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Looked After children, Assessment Coordinator, Line Manager / Appraiser Support Staff, Student Partnership Coordinator, School Council Eco Group, Deputy Safeguarding and Child Protection
Year 3
Mrs Clare Hannon (NPQH) Deputy Headteacher Upper School
Responsibilities include: Mathematics, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Educational Visits Coordinator, Assessment Coordinator, Line Manager / Appraiser Support Staff, School Council Eco Group, Deputy Safeguarding and Child Protection, Mental Health Lead and Mental Health First Aider
Year 4
Mrs Nicola Faulkner
Responsibilities include: Modern Foreign Languages, Design and Technology, Art
Year 5
Mr Ben Sims ECT
Year 6
Miss Lucy Scarr (NPQML)
Responsibilities include: Physical Education, Library – reading intervention, School Council Junior Road Safety Officer and School Council SNAG group
Enhanced Learning Provision
Ms Helen Handy (Year 1)
Responsibilities include: R.E., Geography, History, More Able and Talented Coordinator, Assistant Deputy SENCo
Intervention and PPA / Management Cover Teacher
Mrs Tracy Reed (MA Ed.)
Responsibilities include: Computing, School Website, E-safety, Music
Teaching Assistants
- Mr Graeme Baker
- Miss Sarah Boyle
- Miss Julie Hamilton
- Miss Kirsty Keeler
- Miss Carey McLean
- Miss Amy McCreedy
- Mrs Johanna Reeve
- Mr Scott Brannigan Howes
- Miss Mandy Piggford
- Ms Kay Seccombe
- Mrs Catherine Walls
- Mrs Debbie Wilson (Child Protection Designated Staff)
Non-teaching Staff
- School Secretary (Lower Site) – Mrs Rachel McGregor
- School Administrative Assistant (Upper Site) – Miss Claire Brown
- Caretaker (Upper Site) – Mr Marc Grierson
- Caretaker (Lower Site) – Mr Terry Miller
- Cleaners – Mrs Imelda Baker / Mrs Susan Birrell
- Lower School Cooks – Mrs Antonia Hannant-Thompson, Mrs Tina Coulter
- Upper School Cooks – Mrs Sharon Caulfield, Mrs Dawn Simpson
- Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants (Lower School) – Mrs Lesley Elsinor, Mrs Victoria Welford, Miss Mandy Piggford
- Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants (Upper School) – Miss Kay Seccombe, Mrs Susan Birrell