Our School Council
The school council consists of 2 children from each class who are voted in as class councillors for a term of 1 year. In addition, we have extended our school council to include our school ECO team, our school SNAG team and our E-Safety Group.
What is a Class Councillor?
Class councillors are elected by their class to represent those people who elected them. They act as a link between their class and other groups and other committees including the Governors. These children have to be willing and able to put forward other people’s views even if they disagree with them and make improvements to the whole school for the benefit of all pupils.
Our school council also has additional sub committees.
The school Eco team was established with 2 children voted into their post by their fellow class members. This year they have developed their work on Energy Conservation including school lighting, saving water and monitoring Waste and Recycling. In 2013 – 2014 their hard work and work with pupils across the whole school achieved us Eco Schools Silver Award. In 2014 – 2015 they have continued to work on energy saving and waste management. in 2016 – 2017 they have developed their work on Energy Conservation including school lighting, saving water and monitoring Waste and Recycling. The group are responsible for turning off unused electrical items around school and in the process, have made a whole school energy bill saving of 27%. Their dedication was rewarded when they received a certificate and prize from The Rotary Club of Consett.
Across 2016/2017 the Eco Group will be working with the rest of the school in working towards achieving a John Muir Award, which is an environmental award scheme for people of all backgrounds – groups, families, individuals designed to encourages people to connect with, enjoy, and care for wild places, and the Woodland Trusts Green Tree Award designed to reward schools for completing environmental projects and encouraging outdoor learning
Our Achievements and Impact
Since developing the school council in 2014 – 2015 they have taken responsibility for outdoor behaviour and purchasing playtime equipment by fund raising from the Friends of the School and supporting charitable fundraising initiatives. They were involved in ongoing Eco school work, organising pupil competitions and awards and setting up small pupil lead playtime groups and activities. The School Council also played a large role in surveying pupils on the new name of our primary school, its uniform colour and new logo.
Our Achievements and Impact
The School Council took sole responsibility for voting and organising our charity fund raising events, as well as school fund raising. Across the year the children selected 3 key events to raise money for charity, this included Red Nose day, Summer and Christmas Fayres and Children in Need.
Our Achievements and Impact – So Far..
In 2016 – 2017 the School Council took responsibility for Energy Saving across the whole school, participation in Charity Fundraising, Pupil Questionnaires and outdoor play provision. They continued to over see jobs around the school along with our Year 6, Buddies and Mediators.
In June 2017 we achieved the ‘Green Trees School Bronze Award’ for our work and lessons involving outdoors, woodland areas and trees. In September we completed our final tasks and activities and achieved ‘Green Trees Silver Award’. Well done everyone for their continued hard work and commitment to outdoor and environmental learning.
Click here to see a gallery of some of our work and activities.