Governance Statements
Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body 2022/23
Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body 2021/22
School Improvement 2023 2024
School Improvement Plan Objectives 23/24
School Governors Monitoring Calendar 23/24
Annual safeguarding Plan 23/24
Link Governors Responsibilities 23/24
School Improvement 2022 2023
School Improvement Plan Objectives 22/23
School Governors Monitoring Calendar 22/23
Annual Safeguarding Plan 22/23
Link Governors Responsibilities 22/23
The role of the school governor and governing bodies
The role of the school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to the local community. School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school’s aims and policies.
Key roles of governors:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:
- Determining how the school’s budget is spent
- The appointing and dismissing of staff
- Hearing appeals and grievances
- Forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
- Setting standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline
- Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
- Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies
Our Governors Code of Conduct
- Please click Here
Governor Committee Structure
Committee Terms of Reference Doc
Name | Registry Of Interest | Material Interests arising from Relationships with Staff | Position | Committee | Term of Office Ends | Representing | Responsibilities |
Mrs Clare Hannon | None | None | Curriculum & Standards | 02/11/2022 to 01/11/2026 | Co-opted Governor | ||
Mr Watts Stelling | County Councillor | None | Curriculum and Standards | 11/04/20223 to 21/04/2027 | Co-opted Governor | Safeguarding, Computing, E-Safety |
Mr John Brierley | Charity Trustee Consett Rotary | None | Finance and Premises Chair - Nov 2024/25 | Appeals, Finance & Premises, Personnel, Curriculum and Standards, Pay Review | 24/11/2021 to 23/11/2025 | Co-opted Governor | Maths |
Mrs Vicki Cooper | None | None | Chair Of Governors Nov 2024/25 Curriculum and Standards Chair May 2024 /25 | Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises and Personnel, Pay Review, HeadTeacher's Performance Review | 21/10/2021 to 20/10/2025 | Parent Governor | Early Years Foundation Stage |
Mr Andrew Plant | Secretary to Leadgate Partnership; Secretary to Eden Minors Trust | None | Vive Chair of Governors- Nov 2024/25 | Curriculum & Standards, First / Pay Review, Finance & Premises, Headteacher's Performance Review, Personnel, Pupil Discipline | 31/03/2023 to 31/03/2027 | Co-opted Governor | SEND, Pupil Premium and Sports Premium, Health and Safety |
Miss Lucy Scarr | None | None | Curriculum & Standards | 05/05/2021 to 04/05/2025 | Staff Governor | Anti-bullying | |
Cllr Alan Shield | County Councillor Trustee Durham Christian Partnership; Trustee Co Durham Citizens Advice; Trustee Eden Minors Trust | None | Appeals, Finance & Premises, Curriculum and Standards, Headteacher’s Performance Review | 31/.3/2023 to 31/03/2027 | Local Authority Governor | MAT | |
Ms Estelle Spring | None | None | Curriculum & Standards, Pupil Discipline | 01/11/2021 to 31/10/2025 | Co-opted Governor | Literacy and Reading | |
Mr Mark Watson | None | None | Head Teacher | All committees | 13/04/2015 -- | Ex Officio | Head Teacher |
Miss Laura Weaver | None | None | Finance and Premises | 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2027 | Co-opted Governor | GDPR | |
Mrs Ashleigh Armstrong | None | None | Curriculum & Standards, Personnel, Appeals, Finance and Premises | 27/01/2023 to 26/01/2027 | Parent Governor | Wellbeing | |
Mrs Debbie Wilson | None | None | Curriculum & Standards, Personnel | 11/04/2023 to 10/04/2027 | Co-opted Governor | Science |
Governor Body Meeting Attendance
Governor | Curriculum Standards Committee Meeting 03/09/2024 | Finance & Premises Committee Meeting 28/11/2024 | Full Governor Body Meeting 07/11/2024 | Curriculum Standards Committee Meeting 16/01/2025 | Finance & Premises Committee Meeting 30/01/2025 | Full Governor Body Meeting 13/02/2025 | |
Mrs Clare Hannon | Present | N/A | Present | N/A | |||
Mr Andrew Plant | Present | Present | Present | ||||
Mis Lucy Scarr | Present | N/A | Present | N/A | |||
Cllr Alan Shield | Present | Apologies | Present | ||||
Miss Laura Weaver | Present | Present | Present | ||||
Mrs Debbie Wilson | Present | N/A | Present | N/A | |||
Mr John Brierly | Present | Present | Present | ||||
Miss Estelle Spring | Present | N/A | Apologies | N/A | |||
Mrs Vicki Cooper | Present | Present | Present | ||||
Mrs Ashleigh Armstrong | Present | Present | Present | ||||
Mr Watts Stelling | Present | N/A | Present | N/A | |||
Mr Mark Watson | Present | Present | Present |
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Leadgate Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)
National Governance Association Code of Conduct (2019)
How To Become A School Governor
If you require further information, please contact the school.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.
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