Breakfast Club
Our daily Breakfast Club is available for all children from Reception to Year 6 and runs on both school sites. There is no need to book in advance – just come along to the main entrance of our Lower School, or the Year 6 Porch door at Upper School. It runs every day from 8 a.m. until 8.50 a.m. (Please note: breakfast won’t be served after 8.40 a.m.). It costs £7.50 per week or £1.50 per day. Children have a choice of cereals, toast or bagels. They are then given the opportunity to join in activities such as drawing, games, i-pad based activities and using construction equipment.
Breakfast with a book
To promote and encourage children’s love of reading, we offer a daily reading club – ‘Breakfast with a book’ for children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3.
The importance of reading and its impact on children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health. Frequent reading of various genres of books has undeniable effects on later literacy skills, facilitating social interaction between adults and children, and encouraging children to engage with the world around them.
The club begins at 8.30am when children come to their classroom and choose a book they would like to read. Whilst enjoying their book they will have a choice of breakfast items to eat whilst reading. Breakfast with a book is very popular and the impact on the children’s reading can be seen by staff across school.
The club is free to attend.
If you would like your child to attend, please bring them to Lower School main entrance at 8.30am each morning – there is no need to book.
Magic Breakfast
Magic Breakfast currently supply our breakfast foods for serving at the start of the day outside of Breakfast Club. The following lists allergen advice for cereals and bread supplied – PLEASE NOTE we are a Nut Free School. As of January 2023 we will no longer be able to provide Bagels and this will be replaced with Warburton’s Half and Half Bread.
After School Clubs
At Leadgate Primary School we offer a range of extra-curricular after school clubs to all children from Reception to Year 6 including: Arts and crafts, film, dance, music, forest school, sports, reading, cooking, board games and coding. The clubs change half-termly and are shared with parents at the beginning of each half term. Each club has a limited number of places due to health and safety and places are given on a first-come basis.