Following the update to guidance from Government on social distancing with the development of ‘Support Bubbles’ we have updated our Parent Protocol for those families returning on Monday to Reception and our Year 6 class and those families using Key worker childcare.
Current Guidance states :
From 13 June, single adult households – in other words adults who live alone or with dependent children only – can form a ‘support bubble’ with one other household. All those in a support bubble will be able to spend time together inside each others’ homes, including overnight, without needing to stay 2 metres apart. The Government is making this change to support the loneliest and most isolated. It is a targeted intervention to provide extra support to some of those most impacted by the most difficult effects of the current social restrictions, while ensuring we continue to keep the rate of transmission down
Using a support bubble for informal childcare
From 13 June, if you are a lone parent you can form a support bubble with another household to provide informal (i.e. unpaid) childcare for them or for them to provide informal childcare for you. You should not form a support bubble with more than one household.
You must not:
- meet other people indoors – including in their home or your home – unless you are in a support bubble (from 13 June), or for other limited circumstances listed in law
- meet outdoors in a group of more than 6 with people who are not in your household or (where applicable) support bubble, or for other limited circumstances listed in law
- form a support bubble with another household if neither you nor they are in a single adult household
- stay overnight in another household that is not in your support bubble, unless it is for the limited set of circumstances outlined in law
If you have now set up a ‘Support bubble’ to provide support with collection and drop off, you will need to inform the school office as soon as possible so that we are aware who will be taking responsibility for the collection of your child
Our updated Protocol can be found here : Updated Parent Protocol