Dear Parent / Carer
I am writing to let you know that we have arranged with the National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP) to provide some additional support for children in receipt of Free School Meals.
From the week commencing 20th April we will have a limited supply of additional breakfast food to distribute to families from our Lower School Site every 2 weeks. This means we will only be able to provide to each household every alternate 2 weeks. If however you do not want a delivery please let us know via phone, email or text. In order to reach as many families as possible we have divided the total number of households into 2 groups, if you do not receive a delivery by the end of today your delivery will be in the next 2 week cycle.
We will arranging to have the food dropped off at the home address we have on record and our first delivery will be today.
What food will we have?
We will have the following items (one set per child).
- One pack of 5 New York bagels. These are not frozen, but are exactly as they are sold in supermarkets. This makes them much more convenient for onward distribution to homes. Each packet is fully labelled as per the supermarket packs.
- One box of cerealand/or instant porridge sachets – as far as stocks allow.
Please note:
- We cannot at this time guarantee that we will have a box of cereal for every child.
- The cereal you receive could be one of their usual range of cereal, but it might also be Weetabix or a new Kellogg’s cereal. We ask that you FULLY check ingredient and allergen lists for the foods supplied to ensure your safety. All cereals that are sent will meet School Food Standards.
Yours sincerely
Mr M A Watson